Chiropractic recognized as key contributor in treatment of back pain: The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) has endorsed the conclusion of a recent report, titled “Adding chiropractic manipulative therapy to standard medical care for patients with acute low back pain: results of a pragmatic randomized comparative effectiveness study” (Spine; 4.15.2013).
The study found that for patients with low-back pain, the addition of chiropractic care to standard medical care (SMC) offered greater than a four-fold increase in patients whose pain and disability was “completely gone, much better, or moderately better.”
“The inclusion of chiropractic care in this study setting demonstrated that chiropractic can promote cost-effective and clinically efficient outcomes for musculoskeletal conditions,” shares Gerard Clum, DC, spokesperson, F4CP, who points of that the evidence-based care also ranks highly in terms of patient satisfaction. “Reports continue to confirm the extended value of chiropractic and support its inclusion within care delivery models, such as patient-centered healthcare homes (PCHCH) and accountable care organizations (ACOs).”
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Source: Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
Oct 24